About Us
Energy Saving Company is a dedicated company that provides fully integrated
complete solutions to optimize power usage, increase equipment lifetime, reduce maintenance costs, and spare parts inventory for residential, commercial, and industrial sectors. Headquartered in Al Khobar, Eastern Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia(KSA). In Energy Saving Company, we believe that every customer needs a unique strategy and solution to achieve the best result.
Services & Solutions
Modernize and upgrade existing equipment/infrastructure and digital transformation
1Provide Management Agreement (MA) and Service Agreement (SA)
2Fully integrated hardware and software solutions with advanced diagnostics
3Installed base evaluation and spare parts stock evaluation.
4Design and build, development and integration, planning and installing, programming and configuration, start-up and commissioning, Functional testing and final quality inspection, on-site training and support
5Lifecycle support services agreements to mitigate risks
6Power and energy monitoring systems